
22. May 2024

Direct bus line from Zug train station to Papieri

From Zug train station to Papieri in 15 minutes!

After the Cham-Hünenberg bypass goes into operation, a new bus route will connect Papieri Cham with Zug train station from December 2027. This ensures a direct connection to long-distance traffic towards Zurich and Lucerne every half hour. The route runs through the Städtlerwald tunnel, which is currently under construction, and connects Zug train station with the Papieri-Ring in Cham in around 15 minutes.  A new bus stop will be set up on the Papieri area.  The new line is planned to start from December 2027 during peak traffic times; the service can be expanded as required. The Zug government council supports the idea of ​​the new bus connection, the official government council decision will be made in September 2026.

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